ICC-certified practitioners are in demand. In fact, many of our graduates tell us that our qualifications have opened up new doors for them professionally.

“The CTFP course has boosted my career prospects. Apart from earning a promotion late last year, I now possess the knowledge and expertise required to function effectively in all key aspects of the trade finance business (operations, product development and sales). This has renewed opportunities for progression in my career. All these would not be possible without my exposure to the CTFP.”
Muwiya Esan, Access Bank
“The Incoterms® 2020 qualification gives me an edge. Getting training directly from the ‘horse’s mouth’ is more valuable to me – and other people looking to work with me – than having my knowledge certified by a third party who has not created the Incoterms® rules.
Praveenkumar Miriyala, Trade Specialist, E2Open
However, if you want to truly realise the benefits of an ICC qualification, you need to make sure other people know about them and can verify them.
Here are three simple and quick ways you can showcase your ICC credentials to a wider audience (some of who may be looking to hire or work with an ICC-trained practitioner).
1. ICC Academy Alumni page
We are delighted to give you the opportunity to be one of the first people to join the ICC Academy alumni community!
By completing this short form, you will allow us to showcase you on the ICC Academy website as a confirmed ICC graduate. Your name, along with a photo, details of your qualification and your LinkedIn profile (optional) will then appear on the ICC Academy website on our brand-new Alumni page.
All of this will make it very easy for you to share your achievements with others. You can impress clients, colleagues and future employers who will be able to easily check your qualifications from an official ICC source.
The Alumni page will also be shared with HR departments at major banks, corporates and other companies involved in international trade. By being listed on the ICC Academy website, you can increase your visibility when these companies are looking to recruit ICC qualified candidates.
If you would like to be listed on the Alumni page, you will need to fill out the registration form by clicking the button below.
Register for the ICC Academy Alumni Page
Once you have submitted the form, it will be fact-checked by our team and then published on the website within 72 working hours.
2. Update your email signature with a certified ICC Academy badge
Did you know that the average office worker receives over 120 emails per day? Therefore, it stands to reason that your email signature is a great place to display your ICC qualifications! It will be seen every day by lots of people, including your clients and colleagues.
To help you make your email signature stand out, we’ve created a specific ICC Academy badge (for the certificate you passed) that you can embed within your email signature.
You’ll find instructions on how to add the badge to your email signature in Outlook and Gmail below.
3. Update the education section of your LinkedIn profile
In 2019 more than four million people said they had been hired through their LinkedIn profile. It is the social media platform of choice for professionals looking to connect with others in their industry and an essential tool for HR and recruitment teams at large corporations.
If you are looking for a new job, or to connect with clients and customers, then it is important to ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date with your latest qualifications and achievements.
The ICC Academy is now listed as a school on LinkedIn, which means you can now add your ICC qualification to your profile under the Education section. Here’s a step by step guide on how to do this.
We hope these three steps will help you boost your professional profile and open up some new, exciting career options for you as we get closer to 2021. If you have any questions, please email us at info@iccacademy.com.sg.