Raelene Martin
Raelene Martin manages ICC’s Marketing and Advertising Commission, an international body of executive level experts that craft policy and business practice tools, including self-regulatory guidance that forms the foundation for most national and sector self-regulation. Ms Martin is also responsible for ICC’s Commission on Taxation that analyses developments in international tax policy and legislation and puts forward business views on government and intergovernmental projects affecting taxation. The Commission also works closely with OECD, UN and G20 to eliminate tax obstacles to crossborder trade and investment.
Prior to joining ICC in 2009 in a supportive role for the Commission on Marketing and Advertising and the Commission on Commercial Law and Practice, Ms Martin worked for a Zimbabwean law firm, Coghlan, Welsh & Guest, and later joined Colcom Foods Limited where she moved through evolving roles, eventually managing their marketing portfolio for over four years.
Ms Martin studied International Commerce with specialization in Marketing at the University of South Africa.
ICC, the world business organization, is a representative body that speaks with authority on behalf of enterprises from all sectors in more than 120 countries from every part of the world.
ICC’s mission is to promote global trade and investment. ICC sets and voices business views on the many policy issues that affect companies engaged in international trade. Its voluntary rules are used by companies all over the world. For more information: www.iccwbo.org.