Joshua Cohen
Joshua Cohen is a recognised expert in risk distribution and risk mitigation. With over 25 years of professional experience in Europe and Asia the author has established and led successful distribution teams in bond, loan and trade finance asset classes. The former chair of Bankers Association for Finance and Trade’s Liquidity Working Group, and the Global Head of Liability and RWA Management at Standard Chartered Bank, Mr Cohen has broad knowledge of the challenges facing transaction banking business lines, especially with respect to managing the capital, liquidity and credit appetite required to run a successful and high returning trade finance portfolio in a global bank. Mr Cohen is the author of several published articles on trade finance and risk distribution including “Trade Gets Paid” (Global Trade Review 2012), “Promoting South South Trade” (Global Trade Review 2012), “Taking Down Unintended Barriers to International Trade” (Standard Chartered Insights 2013), “Creating a Win Win Opportunity in Trade Distribution” (the Asset 2013). Mr Cohen is a regular speaker, panel chair and participant at industry events around the world.