Anand Pande
Anand has worked in senior corporate and transaction banking roles in Citi, Royal Bank of Scotland and ANZ, as well as the Group CEO of a private equity backed equity & fixed income research outsourcing company. He has worked in India, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and in a U.K. role based out of Singapore in country, regional and global leadership assignments in the trade finance and transaction banking space. In February 2015, Anand has recently set-up his own independent advisory firm: The Growth Paradigm Partnership (GPP) in Singapore. Current engagements have been in the Fintech Space, B2B payment space and with regional and global banks. Anand was awarded the Asset Asia Trade Finance BankeroftheYearAwardin2013.Hasbeen a speaker at ICC, Doha Forum, BAFT and SIBOS. He has attended executive education programs at the Harvard Business School.